The Uru Projects

Delfer's Journal

e1 22 / 2 / 235

     I just found this book in the debris field.
     Yet again I suceed at finding everything except my reserch papers!
     At least Naia's being able to cope with the disaster. I hear she's been helping rebuild the greenhouse in the tower.
     I do worry for Eddler though. Today when we were working with the bridge builders he completely blanked out! I it wern't for the other workers he may have fell over the edge! Maybe it would help if Naia went and talked to him.
     I'll be sure to ask her.

e2 22 / 2 / 235

     Saw Naia earlier and told her about Eddler. She looked really concerned!
     Thats what I love about her. She cares about him so much!
     Oh, and before she left she gave me this ring. It's nothing fancy. Just some broken crystal wrapped in wire. I like it though! It's nice and.... Shiny. Yes, lets go with that.

e3 23 / 2 / 235

     I havn't seen Eddler for a while now. It's like he's been completely wiped off the islands! I plan to send a search party out for him soon.

e4 23 / 2 / 234

     Naia's done something to that ring, I swear! While I was searching earlier it started buzzing and throbbing!
     What's even stranger is that this only happens when there's no roof over my head! I'm sure Naia's got something to do with this!

e5 23/ 2 / 235

     Still no sign of Eddler and absolutely no progress with Naia. She swears she did nothing with that ring, but then why does it pulse? I'm going to need to investigate further. Run some tests and such.

e6 23 / 2 / 235

     I went and collected some crystals for my experiments with the ring. I think I may be ready to start testing them!
     Again no Eddler. If this keeps up I may have to assume he's dead!

e7 24/ 2 / 235

     We found him! After so long we've finally found him!
      I can't tell wait to tell him about Naia's ring! Maybe he will decide to help me with my experiments!

e8 24 / 2 / 235

     Somethings wrong.
     Eddler won't talk to anyone, not even Naia!
     He always would talk to Naia nomatter what.
     What's happened to him?

e9 24 / 2 / 235

     I've decided to bring my experiments to Eddler. I think it may help him if he got to see us around more often. Who knows?
     Maybe he will help us.

e10 24 / 2 / 235

     Another fruitless attempt to help Eddler flys by with the comets.
     He didn't even seem vaugly interested in the crystals! It's not that we've really discovered anything, but it's still quite interesting!
     No matter. I'll keep trying. We can't give up on him.

e11 24 / 2 / 235

     He's gone. Whoever that is it's not Eddler anymore!
     Naia and I were again doing some test on the crystals when we made an astounding discovery!
     The crystals will react with focussed starlight and convert it into pure energy! If we could harness this energy we could run machines again!
     In the midst of the excitement, Eddler decided to completely lose his mind!
     He got up, ran over, and then started taking swipes at us with a peice of carved rock! He would keep shouting and screeming like someone was trying to murder him! It was however, quite the opposite.
     I'm afraid we can't help him anymore. I may go back and try to retreive my equipment sometime soon.
     I'm sorry Eddler, but there's nothing left I can do!

e12 26 / 2 / 235

     It's been awhile since I've written in here.
     I guess it's just the shock of Eddler's madness and all of that.
     I still sometimes try to talk to him, but he never responds. Maybe that's good. Maybe his nerves have settled.
     I don't know anymore....

e13 26 / 2 / 235

     Finally! Naia and I have created a mechanism that can sucsessfullly drain the crystals of their energy! 
     Next we may be able to run machines! Maybe we can even make light!
     My head is just swimming at the thought of it! I need to tell people!
     Tomorrow! Yes, tomorrow I shall tell them all!

e14 26 / 2 / 235

     The meeting was a complete sucess!
     Everyone was amazed by the light we made with my generators! Some have even agreed to let us install them all over the islands!
     Maybe with this I can move on from the loss of Eddler. Yes. Good things are to come. I'm sure of of it!

e15 26 / 2 / 235

     How odd.
     I swear that while I was installing the other generators with Naia that someone was whatching us!
     This is really odd. Is someone out to get me?

e16 27 / 2 / 235

     We finished instaling the generators. Next I think we may even be able to set up lights!
     We all have been living in the dark for so long, but soon... Soon I can change that!
     We could run machines and light lanters.
     Soon this will all change!

e17 27 / 2 / 235

     After putting up the last of the lights my suspicions were confirmed.
     Apparently some little rat in the village is trying to start a rebellion!
     But they don't know I know! They dont know that I hear their whispers! I hear them you treturous fiends!
     Well... I won't have this! I'll be ready!
     But how?
     The books!

-------------------------------------------------------- torn pages ----------------------------------------------------------------------

e18 27 / 2 / 235

     I've been able to create a safe hide away in the tower.
     I plan to reside there untill all of the exitment builds up, then at that moment, I shall safely escape through one of those books we found in the debrees.
     That isn't what matters the most to me though.
     What matters is that I get Naia to safety as well.
     I can't let her stay here to die!

e19 27 / 2 / 235

     Insane! Insane she called me!
     How can she not believe me? Surely she's heard of their plans!
     Why! Why after all we've been through you still don't believe me!
     Why Naia!
     Why do you want me to leave you to your fate!

e20 27 / 2 / 235

     Well, I've done it.
     I've locked myself away in safety.
     The provisions I've gathered should last me, I'm sure.
     I knew there would be extra. This place wasn't build for just one...
     Why do I feel imprisoned?

e21 28 / 2 / 235

     I hear them now.
     The shouts resonate off these very walls. Are any of them Naia's?

     It is odd you know.
     This all was supposed to be s good thing.
     I wanted to help my people. Change their lives for the better!
     In the end they all turned against me. Even she, the love of my life calls me mad!
     Is she right?
     Again, it is of no matter.
     I can start anew. Forget them all!
     Naia, Eddler, all of them!

     It is time now. Time to go. To start again.
     I wonder if Tesahno will have a sky...