The Uru Projects


Welcome to Tech! Here you can find posts on Core and my other ages as I make it! The photos will be updated as I go along! If you can't see anything well just go and view them at the auditorium.

Hector Gets Ready

Hector at the start of his adventure. I'd like to thank the people at the guild of writers ( www.guildofwriters .com ) for supplying me with this little guy!

Building Construction

Here is the small starter building in construction on a floating cone.

The Rock Takes Form

As you can see a got a crude roof on the link in building and the floating platform now looks a tiny bit more like a rock and not a cone. Also you may be unable to see it but I've added a small telescope on the platform.

Cinder the Block

After a terrible and rage enducing experience while trying to fix files, Cinder the block sadly replaces Hector.

All Back to Normal

After some time I was able to restore Core back to normal and add even more. Now we have two extra flotees for later use!

Crude Archetecture

Recently I've added a crude building platform supported by ramshsckled posts.

An Even Cruder Bridge.              

As you can see, I've attach a bridge between the view platform and one of the smaller rocks. I think it's hobo style. Very crude and the posts don't line up well. Oh well, this is just the beginning after all!

Now a Gazebo

Now I have transformed our link in building into a little gazebo hut. I've also added the crystal generator on one of the smaller rocks.

Even More Flotees

I beleive I have finished the simple modling for the first island so I'm going to move off to the next which acts as a lower class village.

Building Better Islands

I've added some bridges to the new three islands and morphed them a bit to make them look more like rocks.

Shotty Huts

In this image you can see Cinderblock reclining under one of the soon to be many makeshift lean toos.

Camp Construction

Remember that shotty little hut? Well it's evolved into a small camp! I plan to make the buildings a little more complicated then just boards though.

Wiring Things Up

I've recently finished the camp and added some hanging wires. Soon I plan to hang some lanterns there.

Lamp Light

After a discovery that my curvy wires would not work out, I decided to create some wood framework instead. Upon them I hang some small lanterns I made.

The Lanterns of Monotony

And here you can see the product of one of the most monotonous creations in Blender history. Post after post. Lamp after lamp! It's crazy. At least I got past it though. 

Things Left Hidden

Delfer's been keeping a secret. Keeping his studies somewhere our of eyes sight.

Delfer's Lab ( prototype so far )

Here we have Delfer's secret underground lab. I don't have much in it so far, but It shal become more complex as time goes by.

"Supporting" Delfer's Experiments

Here you can see some mining like supports I've put up in Delfer's lab.
Can't experiment on you fanatical ideas with the cave falling in on your head!


Protype Satellite

Here you can see Delfer's creation that started the downfall of Core.

It dosn't look like any ground based satellite I've ever seen, but it's a prototype! Even for me!